Dragon Collector (Dragon Hoard Book 2) Page 4
“I know about the prophecy, Dev. He has to find a mate.”
“Yes, but…”
“There’s no but. I’m not a dragon.” He was going to cry.
“Hey. Hey, you have no idea how all this shit works. Prophecies I mean. They’re awful open to interpretation.” Devon was such a good friend. “You just need to take it one day at a time if you love him too.”
“I do. I love him. Like he makes me stupidly happy.” And it might kill him to lose him.
He glanced out his window, frowning when he saw a familiar Escalade pull up. Wait, how close had Eagan been to be right there so fast?
“What the hell?”
“What’s wrong?”
“Eagan just showed up. I thought he was at home…” Weird. Cool though. Very cool.
“I bet he was out antiquing. He didn’t, uh, fly did he?”
“Not unless he carried the Escalade.”
“That’s a little heavy…”
“And a little noticeable. I just probably misunderstood his text.” It didn’t matter; Eagan was here.
“No shit. Well, you guys come on whenever. We have space.” Devon loved to laugh about the houses the brothers had. Neither he nor Ollie had ever seen anything that big that wasn’t a hotel or a museum.
“I’ll look for a vampire purple kitten.” He was ready for a Devon hug.
“I love you, buddy. Tell Eagan to give you an extra hug for all of us.”
“Love you, Dev. See you soon, okay?”
“You know it. Have a good weekend.” Dev hung up, and he didn’t really feel much better about the not-a-dragon thing, but he did have a smile on his face when he opened the door for Eagan.
“Hello, love. I was on my way home from picking up an auction win, and I thought, I’ll just get him.” Eagan bent to take a kiss.
“Oh.” His eyes watered, because, God, he was tired and itchy and ready to go, and Eagan was so good to him. “Thank you.”
“Mmm. My poor love. I can almost feel how miserable you are. Do you have your bag, or do we need to pack you?”
“I was talking to Devon.”
“Ah.” Eagan steered him to his bedroom. “I’ll pack you, then, and you take a Benadryl.”
“I’ll crash out on you.” He went to the bathroom to grab some anyway. He didn’t have to bother with toiletries anymore—those were all at the house, along with a bunch of sweaters for the evenings when it was so much cooler than in the city.
“You can sleep in the car, love,” Eagan called.
“Okay.” He wasn’t gonna argue. His whole body was one giant hive. He had to really work to keep from scratching.
Oliver chuckled. Eagan liked to say the only one leaving marks on him should be Eagan.
He took a pill and pocketed the rest. “Do you have something for me to put in the bath?”
“I do. I have some oatmeal soak. That Aveeno one you like. I also have some unscented Calamine for after.” Eagan kept all sorts of stuff like that just for him. Although oddly enough, certain tree pollens made Eagan sneeze.
Who knew that dragons could have allergies?
His dragon sneezed fog. It was amazing.
“You rock. I was ready to come—” home “—to see you.”
“I’m glad I was close, then.” Eagan kissed him again when he walked out of the bathroom. “I was going to let you do the things you needed to, but then I thought you sounded so clogged up. I wanted you to be able to take medicine and not have to drive.”
“Thank you. Seriously, thank you so much.” Oliver pushed in for a hug.
“You’re welcome, my love.” Eagan put an arm around him, the other hand gripping his bag. “What a wonderful weekend we’re going to have. What would you like to do, assuming you feel better?”
“I just want to hang out with you over the weekend. Is that weird?” It was probably weird.
“Not weird at all. I was thinking we could explore the attic. Do you know there’s a section I’ve never been in?” The car was packed in the very back, and curiosity burned, but everything was covered with blankets.
“Really? That’s cool. Have you had lunch? I could so grab a milkshake on the way home.”
“Oh, I would love that. Cold and creamy.”
Eagan knew all his favorite places. He would know where to stop, even if Oliver fell asleep.
In fact, that was what happened, and when he opened his eyes, they were ten minutes from Eagan’s house. “I got you a salted caramel shake, love. How are you feeling?”
“Better. Thank you. I’m sorry—Benadryl.”
“Not a problem, love. I want you to feel good.” Eagan smiled. “I also got us burgers and fries. We’ll have Chinese tomorrow. Or maybe we’ll grill, hmm?” Eagan patted his leg, eyes on traffic.
“Mmm… I love that idea. We can make chicken kebabs.” He covered Eagan’s hand with his own.
“Sounds lovely.” They got to the house, Eagan pulling into the big garage. “I talked to Stella. She and her wife are moving into the carriage house while we’re gone to Devon and Brand’s.”
“Doesn’t want you fussing at her about moving stuff around, huh?”
“Precisely. The food is there. Can you grab that and the drinks?” When he did, Eagan came around to let him out, then to pick him up and carry him inside.
“You don’t have to—” But he loved it. He loved feeling cared for, adored, and Eagan’s strength was a massive turn-on. It never failed to excite him, and privately he knew Devon felt the same way when Brand carried him.
“I know. You were so asleep, though. I want to.” He could smell the food now, too. The burgers smelled darn good. His shake was the best part, though. Still super crisp and cold, making his tongue just a tiny bit numb.
“It’s perfect. Where should we light?” He didn’t know if they were going to the kitchen, the balcony, the weird casual TV room. He loved that silly place, but it was totally a mishmash compared to the rest of Eagan’s house.
“I think the TV room,” Eagan said. “The couch is so comfy.”
Ollie could sink into that couch and eat, for sure. Then maybe go have his oatmeal bath.
“Do you want to eat first?” Eagan’s glance held concern.
“Might as well if it’s still warm.”
“It is.” Eagan set him down in the family room. “There you are, love. We’ll have some food, then you can go soak.”
“You could come with me,” he offered. “The oatmeal shines you up.” Maybe less than Eagan’s special scrub, but he wanted to keep Eagan’s comforting presence close at hand and it was a good excuse.
“I like the way you think.”
“I like you.” It was gooey and goofy, but it was true.
“Do you?” Eagan’s beautiful gray eyes lit up. Sometimes it was so easy to give Eagan a compliment and have him over the moon with it. He forgot what a solitary creature his love really was.
“I do. More than…more than books and tea.”
“Oh.” That got him a real kiss, long and deep and enough to burn a little as Eagan settled next to him. “I like you too, love. Better than dumplings.”
And Eagan loved dumplings. Of all kinds.
“Well, then, we’re pretty lucky.” He fed Eagan a fry, then dipped one in his milkshake and ate it. “How was your day?”
They chatted idly, sharing bites, having a deliciously normal afternoon—at least for a dragon and a nutty book guy. He had to admit, Brand and Eagan both seemed pretty average, if you could call handsome billionaires that. Their big brother Tyson was the weirdo.
Tyson was fierce, gruff, and somehow Devon insisted the man was incredibly kind, caring, even sweet. Ollie hadn’t seen it yet.
“What are you smiling that little smile for?”
“I was thinking about Tyson.”
Eagan growled, a little steam of stream coming from his nose. “Why?”
“Because Dev likes him a lot, says he’s sensitive, and I haven’t seen it.” He stayed calm, re
laxed. Jealous dragon. “Believe it or not, you’re the leading man in my fantasies.”
“Mmm. No thinking about Tyson. He’s too handsome and strong.” That had been the perfect response because Eagan was laughing again. Devon had told him how possessive Brand was, so he guessed it was a thing.
“No. No, you’re the lovely one. You’re the one I dream about.” He wanted that clear.
“I love you, Oliver. You make my heart happy. Devon and Arielle made me glad for my family, but you… You’re mine alone.” The words were like a solemn promise.
“Good. I want to be…enough. I really do.” He wanted it more than anything.”
“Oliver, you worry far too much about some silly prophecy,” Eagan said archly. “We should take our shakes to the bath and be decadent.”
He glanced down and he’d eaten his burger and fries. Huh.
“Can we add perverse to decadent, lover?”
“We can once you stop itching.” Eagan grabbed his hand, which had drifted to his belly to scratch. “Come on. Grab the shakes.”
He did, then he was in Eagan’s arms again, and they were speeding through the house so fast the furniture was a blur.
Ollie was breathless, excited, his heart pounding. This must be what flying felt like.
They skidded to a stop in the bathroom attached to the monster master suite, the big tub just waiting for them. Oh, that was gonna be bliss. He also happened to know the room had its own tankless water heater and a brown water recycling thing that Eagan used on his plants, so he didn’t feel one bit guilty about a bath that huge.
“Oh, E. I might cream my jeans. This looks like heaven on earth.” He kissed Eagan’s jaw, his cock firming. “I love your house. Now let me down so I can start the water and get us naked.”
“Let me find that bath soak.” Eagan eased him to the floor, then started rummaging through cabinets while he got the water on. They made a great team.
Then Ollie started stripping down.
“Oh, love, you’re raw.” Eagan came to him, cool fingers tracing the little bumps on his skin.
So not sexy.
“I know. I’m sorry.” He sighed, his cheeks heating. “I got into something on my walk.”
“We’ll fix it.” Eagan’s hands felt so good. So soothing.
The heat would feel good, too, though. He knew conventional wisdom said lukewarm baths for allergies, but Ollie liked them smokin’ hot.
“So, can…can I ask you questions about your dragon?”
It wasn’t a secret, but it wasn’t something they talked about a lot, and he was curious.
“Of course, you can, love. Anything.” Eagan’s smile had gone blinding, that expression so pleased.
He hoped it didn’t hurt his lover’s feelings that he’d been reluctant to ask.
“So, you make mist. It’s not smoke. It’s water, right? You don’t smell the same as Brand.”
“Yes. My affinity is water. Brand’s is fire. Tyson’s is earth based, but he resonates with minerals. Crystals and such. So his smoke almost seems more like it’s compressed crystal.” Eagan sprinkled the boxed bath stuff into the water.
“Whoa. Whoa, that’s a little scary.” That could be deadly. Although, so was water, so was fire. “So you’re blue and lovely. Were you born so shiny?”
“I’m told I was ugly and wrinkly and gray. As that was what Brand looked like, I must believe it.” Eagan sighed. “I am comforted by the fact that Tyson had to look like that too, but it’s not as if we have baby pictures. We’re far too old.”
“Well, there are thousands of Arielle. She’s pinky-orange.” That baby was a superstar in her own world.
“I think she looks like a salmon.” Eagan winked. “No, she’s stunning.”
“She is. So, Devon says it doesn’t hurt. Are your senses the same?”
“Very close as far as scent. My eyesight is very different as a dragon, as our eyes are almost…faceted, I suppose is the best word. Touch is actually more sensitive in this form, as scales dull that.”
“What about hearing? Taste? Would I taste the same?” They settled in, snuggling into the hot water, Ollie in Eagan’s lap.
“Hmmm.” Eagan hummed, then licked him, and he jumped almost out of his skin at the feel of a long, supple tongue he was sure was forked. “Saltier.”
Okay, that was hot. Seriously. Like blistery hot. “G-good to know.”
“Very good to know. I love salty.”
Eagan did. Parmesan. Fries. Chips. Even popcorn. Those were all a little crunchy too. No thinking about that.
“Where do you change here? I mean, in your house?”
“In the basement, mostly. I have a lair there. Heated sand and all.” Eagan washed his chest and belly, soothing his irritated skin.
“Like a beach? Do you have music to listen to?” Oh, that felt so nice, so soothing. He relaxed back a little harder.
“Like a sand dune, absolutely. And yes I do.” Eagan rubbed his arms. “Anytime you would like to see, love, all you have to do is ask.”
“Yeah? You wouldn’t mind?” He craned his neck to meet Eagan’s gaze.
“Not at all. In fact, I would love for you to get to know my dragon self. I would never want you to be afraid of me.”
“I’m not. You love me, but—if I’m going to do this, I should do this.” Because what if Eagan didn’t meet his true mate for another lifetime? Like Ollie’s lifetime. They needed to be committed.
“Then we’ll do it this weekend, love. Not tonight, as you need to rest.” Eagan was mesmerizing him with the stroking and petting.
“And this whole snuggling in the tub of joy is happy-making.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Eagan kissed his neck. “I like you all wet and steamy.”
Oliver nodded and let himself relax and melt, a deep moan slipping from him. His head lolled back on Eagan’s shoulder, and he let the water and Eagan support him. Oh that just made the bad parts of the day slip away.
“Thank you, E. I needed you.” He’d needed care and ice cream and oatmeal baths and Eagan.
“I could tell. You didn’t need to wait until seven. And I had to see you and help you.” One hand slid down his belly, resting just above his cock but not touching. Just being there.
“You always do. Thank you. Tomorrow I’ll make it up to you.”
“You will?” Eagan chuckled, the steam joining the heat from the bath. “I can’t wait.”
“Mmhmm. Maybe I’ll help you explore the attic. Maybe I’ll suck you until you scream. You never know.” Oliver had never been with a lover that he could be so direct with, so intense.
“We can pencil in both. Along with me fucking you through the mattress at least once.”
His cock twitched happily at the idea.
“At least once.” He loved the way that Eagan wanted him and let him know it. No one thought he was sexy like his dragon.
“At least,” Eagan agreed. “Oh, love, I missed you.” He got a gentle squeeze.
“I missed you too. I know it was only a week, but…” But it had been long.
“That was too long away.” Eagan kissed the top of his head.
“We have five days now.” Five long days to play house.
“We do.” Eagan rubbed more of the oatmeal stuff against his skin, which was starting to ease some.
“This is magical. Thank you. Itching can drive you nuts.” It just was a constant, wild irritation.
“We don’t want that. We can float as long as you need.” Eagan just held him, and he felt his eyelids start to get heavy.
He slid into sleep in just a few seconds, melting into dreams about flying.
Eagan checked to make sure everything was in place in the basement. He had his sand at the right temperature. He had snacks, which in dragon form was fifty pounds of meat. He had fans for Ollie in case it got hot. A cooler of drinks. And a comfy chaise lounge for his lover.
He had plenty of pillows and pads, but he would take no chances of Ollie getting cru
shed. The bed was too far away for Ollie to see well.
Eagan wasn’t exactly sure what had changed in Oliver, but something had, he could sense it. It was tentative, careful, but at least they weren’t pretending he wasn’t a dragon anymore.
Ollie had convinced himself that he wasn’t Eagan’s mate, but maybe now he’d decided that didn’t matter. Which was possibly the most loving thing anyone had ever done for him. Oliver loved him despite his fears and misgivings.
Oliver was puttering around upstairs, whistling merrily as he rearranged one of Eagan’s bookshelves. He’d bought a lovely curio cabinet and that had freed some space by moving some vases and plates off the shelves.
He got yelled at often by Oliver and Devon both for wasting book space on “knickknacks”.
Eagan didn’t see why they simply couldn’t have both.
He called up to his mate, needing him close, needing to show him another layer of himself. Eagan closed his eyes, waiting, holding onto human by a thread, wanting Ollie to see the transformation.
“Hey, love. Are you ready for me? Oh…” Ollie gasped. “It’s lovely. You’ve made an oasis.”
His body shimmered and he felt it, knowing the change was close. This was his dragon’s safe place. “You like it?”
“It’s beautiful and warm and magical.” Ollie’s hand slid over his arm. “You’re shimmering.”
“I need to let my dragon free. But I was waiting for you. There’s a chaise…” He needed Ollie to give him space, but he didn’t want to be mean.
“I’ll get out of the way, love. It’s okay.” Oliver backed off without being asked, and he curled up on the lounge.
“Thank you.” Steam poured out of his nose and mouth, and his body lengthened, grew, his face elongating into a dragon’s snout. His wings and tail unfurled, and he began to fill the available space.
Oliver was silent, gold and green eyes open and watching him. He sensed no fear there, not even a trace in Ollie’s scent. Just intense fascination.
“Hey, gorgeous. You okay?” Ollie pulled his hair up out of the way.
Eagan snorted out a little puff of steam. He was fantastic. Oh, his Ollie was so pretty through his dragon sight.